Social Perception the Natural Park Delta de l'Ebre

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    Instructions to the following:

    The following legend, indicates wich perception you had of the different elements of the park (landscape, equipment and activities). YOU CAN SELECT AS MANY SYMBOLS AS YOU CONSIDER APPROPRIATE
    1. You have to zoom on the map, to get closer to where you want to place the symbol. This message will appear the option is activated and you will can drag the symbol
    2. Choose one or many of the symbols with the value of perception that you have chosen (weighted red -negative- to green -positive- ).

    3. Drag the symbol and locate it over the map

    4. Indicates, if you know it, the place name and/or comments that you consider. Push bottom the 'fact' to end the insertion or 'delete' if you want to delete the command button

    NOTE: You can read the description of each variable (natural, artificial, attractive etc.), passing the cursor over the word. Additionally, you can change the topographic map for the bump map or satellite image in the upper left corner.

    Click zoom to get closer to where you want to place the symbol.The function is activated and allow you to drag the symbol

    Zoom right

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    Click zoom to get closer to where you want to place the symbol. The function is activated and allow you to drag the symbol

    Zoom right

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    Click zoom to get closer to where you want to place the symbol. The function is activated and allow you to drag the symbol

    Zoom right

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